Communicating with third-party services

taistApi.proxy provides methods to communicate with any third-party service without struggling with Same-origin policy or Content Security Policy:

taistApi.proxy.jQueryAjax(host, path, settings, callback(taistError, responseFromRemoteServer)) works like jQuery.ajax:

pseudocode of successful call:

taistApi.proxy.jQueryAjax = function(host, path, settings, callback) {
  settings.url = host + path;
  settings.success = function(data, textStatus, jqXHR){
    callback(null, {
      error: null,
      statusCode: jqXHR.status,
      headers: jqXHR.getAllResponseHeaders().split('\n'),
      body: jqXHR.responseText,
      result: data



  • host - protocol (optional, http:// is used by default) + hostname + port, like or
  • path - rest of url, starting with /, like /doodles/finder/2014/All%20doodles
  • settings - almost identical to settings parameter of jquery.ajax, except that you can set only JSON-convertable options (functions will be just skipped)
    • async, cache, contents, etc. - OK
    • beforeSend, complete, success and other functions will be ignored while stringifying it to pass to Taist extension
  • taistError contains only internal Taist error, not error from remote server:
    • if remote server responds with error (in responseFromRemoteServer.error), taistError is still null
    • if taistError is given, responseFromRemoteServer is null
  • responseFromRemoteServer is an object with fields:
    • statusCode - status code like 200 or 401
    • body - plain response body
    • result - contains response body automatically parsed by jQuery according to settings.dataType;
      • if response body cannot be stringified using JSON.stringify (to pass it to addon from extension), result is null, and responseFromRemoteServer.resultStringifyError is set and contains error message; body is still defined
    • error - error message from remote server; if it is set, result is not set;
    • headers - array of response headers like ["Cache-Control: private", "Server: nginx/1.1.19"]


logResults = function(error, result){
  console.log('error:', error);
  console.log('result:', result);

//successful call to JSON api
taistApi.proxy.jQueryAjax('', '/users/taist/repos', {}, logResults);

/* output
error: null
result: Object {error: null, statusCode: 200, headers: Array[20], body: «{ …} ", result: Array[2]}

//unsuccessful call
taistApi.proxy.jQueryAjax('', '/blogger/v2/blogs/2000', {method: 'GET'}, logResults);

/* output
error: null
result: Object {error: "Forbidden", statusCode: 403, headers: Array[14], body: "{error": { ... }"